High Synagogue, an inactive Orthodox Jewish synagogue in Kazimierz, was built in 1556-1563 in a seemingly Renaissance manner with certain modifications common north of the Alps (most notably the tracery). The area designated for prayer was located on the second floor, it has also been the tallest synagogue in Krakow, hence the name. It was the third synagogue to be erected in Kazimierz.
The High Synagogue is a landmark building. Since 2005 it has been open to visitors; photographic and other exhibitions about customs and traditions of the Jewish community of the interwar period are staged indoors. The interior walls of the sanctuary feature paintings of Jerusalem, including the “Tomb of the Israelite Kings”, “Western Wall” and a handsome pair of lions in the women’s gallery.
Originally, the prayer rooms were located on the second floor above ground floor shops. During World War II and the occupation of Poland, the Nazis stripped the interior of all equipment. The ceiling and roof were destroyed. At present all that remains is the stone niche for the Aron Kodesh and the wall paintings uncovered early in the 21st century.