The École Militaire is a vast complex of buildings housing various military training facilities located southeast of the Champ de Mars. It now hosts The Collège interarmées de défense (Joint Defence College), and The Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) (Institute of High Studies of National Defence).
The Collège interarmées de défense is a French institution for military higher education. It is located in the École Militaire, and is subordinated to the Chief of the Defence Staff (France). Teaching is selective, diversified, and focused on joint warfare, international relations, and planning.
The CID teaches officers from the three services, the Gendarmerie, Services (Service de santé des armées or Service des essences des armées), or Délégation générale pour l’Armement. Candidate students are recruited by competitive examination, each promotion featuring nationals of over 70 countries. Once admitted, they are trained to assume staff positions in their armies of origin, in joint staffs, on interallied staffs, or any other position where defence policies are crafted and implemented.
It was founded by Louis XV with the aim of creating an academic college for cadet officers from poor families. The construction began in 1752, and the school opened in 1760. The Comte de Saint-Germain reorganised it in 1777 under the name of the École des Cadets-gentilshommes (School of Young Gentlemen), which accepted the young Napoleon in 1784.